But lo and behold, when I saw him a few weeks ago, he proudly told me he's been making MORE cards!! He even ventured into Michael's and started busting out words like die cutting machine, stickers, cardstock, patterned paper. He even advised me to get an electronic die cutter so I don't have to use those punches....because the electronic die cutter has a bunch of shapes on a single disk!! heehee...LOL! I was so very excited to hear all of this!. And it was coming from my 22 year old male cousin! I totally hope I don't offend anyone in any way with this post. I'm just so proud of him!!
He even took pictures :) Here are 2 cards he created himself. "This is how you make manly cards!" And check it out...he even included a pencil he got from Ikea! heehee!
And here is the other image he sent me. Not sure if this is the inside of the above card, but check out his attention to detail!! How totally cute is he!
WTG, Jeremy!! I totally dig your cards, you rock...you manly cardmaking dude! Hope you keep it up and create more cards!!
Woohoo, Jeremy...way to represent the creative men out there!
That's one lucky girl who got the card from you!
wow! WTG!!--keep 'em coming--these are great!
i think this is awesome! i love that his first card was to woo a girl- classic male! LOL!
That's a pretty sick card! G.luck bro!!
wow that's a pimpin card...
no comment.
Man ... that is the manliest card I had ever seen.
The glitter just radiates manly...
Total Cards made:4
Still learning the tricks of the trade from my Master Ate Em...
How cute is Jeremy!
Great attention detail! Too funny about M's and "knowing" about all the machines and supplies!
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